PADI Advanced Open Water
NOT for Advanced Divers! The PADI Advanced Open Water course is designed for NOVICES to acquire additional supervised experience under different diving conditions, improve basic buoyancy skills, gain proficiency in basic navigation, and be safely introduced to the deeper ranges of sport diving.
The best time to start is right after your final Open Water certification dive!
Consists of:
- home study program
- five (5) Adventure dives
- boat passes if needed
- air fills
- PADI Advanced Open Water Certification
- PIC processing fee
- Adventures in Diving Text Book or optional eLearning
- Adventures in Diving Slate
Required Equipment:
- Total Diving System (may be rented)
- second tank for dives (may be rented)
- logbook
- compass
- PADI Open Water Certification or RSTC equivalent
- $420.00
Class Outline:
- quiz and review
Open Water outline (subject to change):
- Boat Diving
- peak performance buoyancy
- Deep Sport Dive
- Navigation
- Choice of:
Underwater Naturalist, Diver Propulsion Vehicle, Enriched Air (Nitrox), Digital Underwater Photography, or Dry Suit. (Additional supplies may be required.)