Canandaigua Lake Dive Sites
The Pipelines
Deep diving at the north end of Canandaigua Lake! Two large water multiple-intake structures provide a large habitat for many species of fish. Good for photography in the late fall when light penetration is maximum. Depth range is 55 to 65 feet with good visibility under a 45°-55° thermocline. This trip is for experienced divers only!
The Pipelines
Deep diving at the north end of Canandaigua Lake! Two large water multiple-intake structures provide a large habitat for many species of fish. Good for photography in the late fall when light penetration is maximum. Depth range is 55 to 65 feet with good visibility under a 45°-55° thermocline. This trip is for experienced divers only!
Deep Run Park
This was the only publicly accessible shore entry site on the lake. This site is best known for the Seneca Gorham water intake pipeline which has a single box type intake structure located on the incline at about 55ft. It is a bit of a swim to the drop, and since boating traffic is heavy at times, a navigation run under water may be prudent to locate the pipe.
Deep Run Park
This was the only publicly accessible shore entry site on the lake. This site is best known for the Seneca Gorham water intake pipeline which has a single box type intake structure located on the incline at about 55ft. It is a bit of a swim to the drop, and since boating traffic is heavy at times, a navigation run under water may be prudent to locate the pipe.
The most popular! A strong current keeps the visibility high and the temperature even. Located just a few hundred yards from the deepest part of the lake (280'), this site offers a gentle slope to a depth of 40' before dropping off. Two small wrecks are located in 20-30'. A shallow weed bed offers protection to several species of fish.
The most popular! A strong current keeps the visibility high and the temperature even. Located just a few hundred yards from the deepest part of the lake (280'), this site offers a gentle slope to a depth of 40' before dropping off. Two small wrecks are located in 20-30'. A shallow weed bed offers protection to several species of fish.
North Bristol
A great second dive...
North Bristol
A great second dive...
The Steps
Large rock steps walk the diver out to considerable depths. This can be a spectacular deep dive for advanced divers. At times, a reasonable current sweeps along the wall at this site which is located near the deepest part of the lake. Some are as shallow as 40'.
The Steps
Large rock steps walk the diver out to considerable depths. This can be a spectacular deep dive for advanced divers. At times, a reasonable current sweeps along the wall at this site which is located near the deepest part of the lake. Some are as shallow as 40'.
Seneca Point
This particular cove juts into shore just south of Bristol Village. A 30 to 40' depth range carries a diver out several hundred feet. Cold water springs feed the thermocline, maintaining good visibility and schools of bait fish.
Seneca Point
This particular cove juts into shore just south of Bristol Village. A 30 to 40' depth range carries a diver out several hundred feet. Cold water springs feed the thermocline, maintaining good visibility and schools of bait fish.
Vine Valley
20 to 30 feet and almost flat, this area consists mostly of clean sand with unusually good visibility. A great place for navigation practice since you have shallow water for up to 500ft in any direction..
Vine Valley
20 to 30 feet and almost flat, this area consists mostly of clean sand with unusually good visibility. A great place for navigation practice since you have shallow water for up to 500ft in any direction..
Crab Alley
The weed beds drop steeply to a gently sloping sandy bottom, home to many crayfish poking little heads from their holes.
Crab Alley
The weed beds drop steeply to a gently sloping sandy bottom, home to many crayfish poking little heads from their holes.
Cook's Point
This point protects a shallow weed bed to the south. Deep water for the divers, and a snorkeling spot with great visibility and a large fish population.
Cook's Point
This point protects a shallow weed bed to the south. Deep water for the divers, and a snorkeling spot with great visibility and a large fish population.
Long Point
Always good visibility, this spot has become a favorite. Having a wide variety of plant life and a good fish population, the gradient is a gentle slope to the 45 foot range. The point provides excellent protection from the wind.
Long Point
Always good visibility, this spot has become a favorite. Having a wide variety of plant life and a good fish population, the gradient is a gentle slope to the 45 foot range. The point provides excellent protection from the wind.
The Clearing
This is usually where the fish are! A large weed bed gently sloping to 35 ft. The best for photography, follow the edge of the bed just below the thermocline.
The Clearing
This is usually where the fish are! A large weed bed gently sloping to 35 ft. The best for photography, follow the edge of the bed just below the thermocline.
Whiskey Point
For the advanced diver interested in bottle collecting, this point was named for the many bootleg bottles floating ashore from a "near miss" during prohibition.
Whiskey Point
For the advanced diver interested in bottle collecting, this point was named for the many bootleg bottles floating ashore from a "near miss" during prohibition.
White Rock
An excellent location for novice divers, and those who haven't been diving in a while. Good visibility, little boating traffic, relatively protected area.
White Rock
An excellent location for novice divers, and those who haven't been diving in a while. Good visibility, little boating traffic, relatively protected area.
Pipe Dream
A good dive for novices, this site also has a "flat spot" in the 20 to 30 foot range. With a tall weed bed above the 15 foot mark, you may see some big fish lying in wait!
Pipe Dream
A good dive for novices, this site also has a "flat spot" in the 20 to 30 foot range. With a tall weed bed above the 15 foot mark, you may see some big fish lying in wait!
Southern Ledge
This is a must for the experienced diver. Consisting of a half mile wide clay bed, the ledge starts at 15 feet and drops to depths ranging 25 to 45 feet. Take your time with this one, there's much to see!
Southern Ledge
This is a must for the experienced diver. Consisting of a half mile wide clay bed, the ledge starts at 15 feet and drops to depths ranging 25 to 45 feet. Take your time with this one, there's much to see!